I have a couple of questions/suggestions about nodes.
1. Is it possible to insert new nodes on a path, kind of a 'reverse simplify', preferably "insert new node at cursor position".
2. I would like to create shapes that exactly match other shapes, at least in part. This would involve duplicating nodes from other shapes. Currently this can be done with many steps, such as duplicating the other shape, creating a new shape that overlaps it, and using a boolean operation to cut away the new shape so that it matches the edge of the other shape. I could do this a lot easier if I could just select a node on the current image and get Inkscape to make it exactly match the closest node on the adjacent object. A few iterations of the above option (add a node near the cursor) and this option (snap current node to nearest node) would give me what I want.
3. With the Node Editing tool selected, is there a way of selecting the next or previous object? Ideally I'd like a keyboard shortcut for this. I know the concept of "next" and "previous" object is not very strong, so something similar such as being able to bind a keyboard shortcut to selecting a particular object would do, so I could bind, say, Shift-1 and Shift-2 to the two objects and switch selection between them this way.
Are there any features like these already that I don't know about?
__________________________________________________ Phil Hibbs | Capgemini | Rotherham Technical Consultant __________________________________________________
This message contains information that may be privileged or confidential and is the property of the Capgemini Group. It is intended only for the person to whom it is addressed. If you are not the intended recipient, you are not authorized to read, print, retain, copy, disseminate, distribute, or use this message or any part thereof. If you receive this message in error, please notify the sender immediately and delete all copies of this message.

Hibbs, Phil wrote:
I have a couple of questions/suggestions about nodes.
- Is it possible to insert new nodes on a path, kind of a 'reverse
simplify', preferably "insert new node at cursor position".
With current CVS, yes it is and this feature will be in .43. With a copy from CVS you just double click to insert a new node with the node editing tool. Also for note is that you can also drag curves (modify line segments) directly with the CVS version too. Oh, and this morning Bulia added a nice tweak to make the selected node a little bigger than the other which seems small but is amazingly helpful.
- I would like to create shapes that exactly match other shapes, at least
in part. This would involve duplicating nodes from other shapes. Currently this can be done with many steps, such as duplicating the other shape, creating a new shape that overlaps it, and using a boolean operation to cut away the new shape so that it matches the edge of the other shape. I could do this a lot easier if I could just select a node on the current image and get Inkscape to make it exactly match the closest node on the adjacent object. A few iterations of the above option (add a node near the cursor) and this option (snap current node to nearest node) would give me what I want.
Just to make sure I understand what you're looking for here. Are you looking to be able to copy line segments? So that for example if you have a square and select three of the nodes and copy, when you paste it will be copies of those three nodes with connecting line segments only. Correct? If so, I agree that would be a very useful feature and we do not have anything along those lines currently (as far as I'm aware).
If there is not already a request for it, please submit an RFE at http://sourceforge.net/tracker/?group_id=93438&atid=604309 (please do search first though before requesting to make sure it doesn't exist already... and if it does exist please add your .02)
- With the Node Editing tool selected, is there a way of selecting the next
or previous object? Ideally I'd like a keyboard shortcut for this. I know the concept of "next" and "previous" object is not very strong, so something similar such as being able to bind a keyboard shortcut to selecting a particular object would do, so I could bind, say, Shift-1 and Shift-2 to the two objects and switch selection between them this way.
With the selector tool you can hit Tab and Shift+Tab to cycle forwards and backward through the objects. When using the node editing tool it will cycle through nodes instead. However, if you tap the space bar once it will temporarily switch to the selector tool from any other tool (and tapping it once again will switch it back to the tool you were using). If you still feel that with the quick-switch it is too many steps, you may want to check to see if an RFE has been filed for this one too.
Hopefully this has been helpful.

On 9/21/05, Joshua A. Andler <joshua@...233...> wrote:
- I would like to create shapes that exactly match other shapes, at least
in part. This would involve duplicating nodes from other shapes. Currently this can be done with many steps, such as duplicating the other shape, creating a new shape that overlaps it, and using a boolean operation to cut away the new shape so that it matches the edge of the other shape. I could do this a lot easier if I could just select a node on the current image and get Inkscape to make it exactly match the closest node on the adjacent object. A few iterations of the above option (add a node near the cursor) and this option (snap current node to nearest node) would give me what I want.
I think this will be more or less covered by the bucket fill tool:
-- bulia byak Inkscape. Draw Freely. http://www.inkscape.org

bulia byak wrote:
On 9/21/05, Joshua A. Andler <joshua@...233...> wrote:
- I would like to create shapes that exactly match other shapes, at least
in part. This would involve duplicating nodes from other shapes. Currently this can be done with many steps, such as duplicating the other shape, creating a new shape that overlaps it, and using a boolean operation to cut away the new shape so that it matches the edge of the other shape. I could do this a lot easier if I could just select a node on the current image and get Inkscape to make it exactly match the closest node on the adjacent object. A few iterations of the above option (add a node near the cursor) and this option (snap current node to nearest node) would give me what I want.
I think this will be more or less covered by the bucket fill tool:
From his description, yes, I think you're right that it can most likely achieve exactly what he's looking for in a simpler way.
And before I start, I'll say that I'm pretty sure you weren't shooting down the idea of copying and pasting line segments, but instead only pointing out that what he's asking for would work a little easier with the RFE that you referenced. However, this got me thinking. It does make sense to be able to copy and paste specific selections of nodes otherwise too... if not just for the sake of ease, but needs (and what's "logical") tend to vary depending on a particular users workflow and application to a particular project.
It's somewhat rare, but, sometimes I will do some line art where I need to duplicate segments of a complex object w/o having it be a complete shape or have a fill. Currently, my best option for that is duplicating the object, removing unnecessary nodes, and then unlinking a segment between two nodes (where I need it open). Yeah it's doable, yeah it's easy, yeah it's not too many steps, but selecting a group of nodes and a quick copy & paste is even faster and easier (and more intuitive in my book).
I guess this just got me to realize that there's some functionality I need that I wasn't so actively conscious about before. So, if there isn't a RFE on this filed for segment duplication, I most likely will go file one... but before that, does anyone else think this would benefit them or am I in the minority?

On 9/21/05, Joshua A. Andler <joshua@...233...> wrote:
And before I start, I'll say that I'm pretty sure you weren't shooting down the idea of copying and pasting line segments, but instead only pointing out that what he's asking for would work a little easier with the RFE that you referenced.
Of course. The idea of copy/paste sets of nodes occurred to me too, long ago, but I haven't so far come up with a solid and consistent idea of how it might work. There are too many unanswered questions - where to paste? whether to translate nodes or preserve positions? how to connect the new segment to the old one? It's all solvable but it all needs thinking and experimenting.
I guess this just got me to realize that there's some functionality I need that I wasn't so actively conscious about before. So, if there isn't a RFE on this filed for segment duplication, I most likely will go file one... but before that, does anyone else think this would benefit them or am I in the minority?
I would welcome this, if you make it really detailed and convincing :)
-- bulia byak Inkscape. Draw Freely. http://www.inkscape.org

bulia byak wrote:
On 9/21/05, Joshua A. Andler <joshua@...233...> wrote:
And before I start, I'll say that I'm pretty sure you weren't shooting down the idea of copying and pasting line segments, but instead only pointing out that what he's asking for would work a little easier with the RFE that you referenced.
Of course. The idea of copy/paste sets of nodes occurred to me too, long ago, but I haven't so far come up with a solid and consistent idea of how it might work. There are too many unanswered questions - where to paste? whether to translate nodes or preserve positions? how to connect the new segment to the old one? It's all solvable but it all needs thinking and experimenting.
I guess this just got me to realize that there's some functionality I need that I wasn't so actively conscious about before. So, if there isn't a RFE on this filed for segment duplication, I most likely will go file one... but before that, does anyone else think this would benefit them or am I in the minority?
I would welcome this, if you make it really detailed and convincing :)
It would be pretty handy. Kochify does this in some shape or form.
Where to paste? I say paste over (replace) contiguous selected nodes.
Aaron Spike

aaron@...476... wrote:
bulia byak wrote:
On 9/21/05, Joshua A. Andler <joshua@...233...> wrote:
And before I start, I'll say that I'm pretty sure you weren't shooting down the idea of copying and pasting line segments, but instead only pointing out that what he's asking for would work a little easier with the RFE that you referenced.
Of course. The idea of copy/paste sets of nodes occurred to me too, long ago, but I haven't so far come up with a solid and consistent idea of how it might work. There are too many unanswered questions - where to paste? whether to translate nodes or preserve positions? how to connect the new segment to the old one? It's all solvable but it all needs thinking and experimenting.
I guess this just got me to realize that there's some functionality I need that I wasn't so actively conscious about before. So, if there isn't a RFE on this filed for segment duplication, I most likely will go file one... but before that, does anyone else think this would benefit them or am I in the minority?
I would welcome this, if you make it really detailed and convincing :)
It would be pretty handy. Kochify does this in some shape or form.
Where to paste? I say paste over (replace) contiguous selected nodes.
Hmmmm... this is a good Q... I think that if you select nodes from an object and copy them, that the paste behavior is dependent on context... I would think that if you deselect any nodes & objects and hit paste, it should paste the segment as a new non-closed object behaving like general pasting does (paste-in-place or paste under the cursor). But, when you have nodes selected in either the same object or a different one, it would replace those nodes/contiguous segments like Aaron said.
Also, wrt the smooth node removal (definitely something I always hoped for too). It kinda sounds like this could tie into the ability to adjust the node count of an object via a spinbox or whatever. I believe someone mentioned that this is possible in Corel Draw, which my demo expired for so I can't test it. I guess that you can just select an object and choose the number of nodes it should have and this can always be adjusted. It doesn't sounds easy to me, would we be able to utilize the simplify code as a basis to get the node removal working in that "new" way?

On 9/21/05, Joshua A. Andler <joshua@...233...> wrote:
Also, wrt the smooth node removal (definitely something I always hoped for too). It kinda sounds like this could tie into the ability to adjust the node count of an object via a spinbox or whatever. I believe someone mentioned that this is possible in Corel Draw, which my demo expired for so I can't test it. I guess that you can just select an object and choose the number of nodes it should have and this can always be adjusted. It doesn't sounds easy to me, would we be able to utilize the simplify code as a basis to get the node removal working in that "new" way?
I don't think a node count would be of any use. Simplify does what it says - it visibly simplifies the path. I don't care if it results in more or less nodes than before. Of course more often than not it reduces the node count, but it's more of a side effect. So I agree that an interactive slider for simplifying paths would be handy (although Ctrl+L works fine for me in 99% of cases), but I think it must adjust the simplification threshold, not aim for a specific node count.
-- bulia byak Inkscape. Draw Freely. http://www.inkscape.org

(apologies: a question from an Inkscape newbie)
Can i ask an associated question around making objects from traces (and apologies for hijacking the thread):
In a proprietary drawing package i used in a previous life, removing a single node from a path would do a "simplify" in a small sense: it would automagically change the control points of the surrounding (one or two) nodes so that the path maintained as close a fit to the original path as possible.
I've found this is particularly useful for creating objects from traces, as it generally removes the "bumps and lumps" traces create, generally making a very pleasing simplified shape, albeit on a manual basis (i find the existing simplify a bit too "strong").
I've tried to find this functionality in inkscape, but i can't seem to locate it. Am i missing something? if this function is not in inkscape, does anyone else think it's a worthwhile RFE?
Does anyone know what i'm on about?!
And by the way, Inkscape is extraordinary already. i love it: i use it most days for work creating Theatre Programmes. Thank you!
Hibbs, Phil wrote:
I have a couple of questions/suggestions about nodes.
- Is it possible to insert new nodes on a path, kind of a 'reverse
simplify', preferably "insert new node at cursor position".
- I would like to create shapes that exactly match other shapes, at least
in part. This would involve duplicating nodes from other shapes. Currently this can be done with many steps, such as duplicating the other shape, creating a new shape that overlaps it, and using a boolean operation to cut away the new shape so that it matches the edge of the other shape. I could do this a lot easier if I could just select a node on the current image and get Inkscape to make it exactly match the closest node on the adjacent object. A few iterations of the above option (add a node near the cursor) and this option (snap current node to nearest node) would give me what I want.
- With the Node Editing tool selected, is there a way of selecting the next
or previous object? Ideally I'd like a keyboard shortcut for this. I know the concept of "next" and "previous" object is not very strong, so something similar such as being able to bind a keyboard shortcut to selecting a particular object would do, so I could bind, say, Shift-1 and Shift-2 to the two objects and switch selection between them this way.
Are there any features like these already that I don't know about?
Phil Hibbs | Capgemini | Rotherham Technical Consultant __________________________________________________
This message contains information that may be privileged or confidential and is the property of the Capgemini Group. It is intended only for the person to whom it is addressed. If you are not the intended recipient, you are not authorized to read, print, retain, copy, disseminate, distribute, or use this message or any part thereof. If you receive this message in error, please notify the sender immediately and delete all copies of this message.
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I should also add that i'm using Inkscape 0.41, and i would guess this RFE would be implemented using two different buttons:
a "delete node" button that would work as now
and a new "delete node smoothly" button that would work as i've described.
thanks again,
spiff wrote:
(apologies: a question from an Inkscape newbie)
Can i ask an associated question around making objects from traces (and apologies for hijacking the thread):
In a proprietary drawing package i used in a previous life, removing a single node from a path would do a "simplify" in a small sense: it would automagically change the control points of the surrounding (one or two) nodes so that the path maintained as close a fit to the original path as possible.
I've found this is particularly useful for creating objects from traces, as it generally removes the "bumps and lumps" traces create, generally making a very pleasing simplified shape, albeit on a manual basis (i find the existing simplify a bit too "strong").
I've tried to find this functionality in inkscape, but i can't seem to locate it. Am i missing something? if this function is not in inkscape, does anyone else think it's a worthwhile RFE?
Does anyone know what i'm on about?!
And by the way, Inkscape is extraordinary already. i love it: i use it most days for work creating Theatre Programmes. Thank you!
Hibbs, Phil wrote:
I have a couple of questions/suggestions about nodes.

On 9/21/05, spiff <spiff@...1091...> wrote:
In a proprietary drawing package i used in a previous life, removing a single node from a path would do a "simplify" in a small sense: it would automagically change the control points of the surrounding (one or two) nodes so that the path maintained as close a fit to the original path as possible.
Exactly this idea came to me recently. Aaron, do you think you can figure out the math for this? It would be cool to have it (either as the default action on node delete, or at least as an option).
I've tried to find this functionality in inkscape, but i can't seem to locate it. Am i missing something? if this function is not in inkscape, does anyone else think it's a worthwhile RFE?
Yes, it's well worth a RFE.
-- bulia byak Inkscape. Draw Freely. http://www.inkscape.org

bulia byak wrote:
On 9/21/05, spiff <spiff@...1091...> wrote:
In a proprietary drawing package i used in a previous life, removing a single node from a path would do a "simplify" in a small sense: it would automagically change the control points of the surrounding (one or two) nodes so that the path maintained as close a fit to the original path as possible.
Exactly this idea came to me recently. Aaron, do you think you can figure out the math for this? It would be cool to have it (either as the default action on node delete, or at least as an option).
This is actually something that bothers me. If you add a node between two segments and then delete the node the path changes drasticly. I don't know if the node adding calculation can be reversed directly. Could we choose for instance 5 points along the path and feed them to a function bezier-utils.cpp?
Aaron Spike

On 9/21/05, aaron@...476... <aaron@...476...> wrote:
This is actually something that bothers me. If you add a node between two segments and then delete the node the path changes drasticly. I don't know if the node adding calculation can be reversed directly. Could we choose for instance 5 points along the path and feed them to a function bezier-utils.cpp?
That should work, but I wonder if there's a less brute-force method...
-- bulia byak Inkscape. Draw Freely. http://www.inkscape.org

On 9/21/05, bulia byak <buliabyak@...155...> wrote:
On 9/21/05, aaron@...476... <aaron@...476...> wrote:
This is actually something that bothers me. If you add a node between two segments and then delete the node the path changes drasticly. I don't know if the node adding calculation can be reversed directly. Could we choose for instance 5 points along the path and feed them to a function bezier-utils.cpp?
That should work, but I wonder if there's a less brute-force method...
On the other hand, upon consideration, I now think that bezier fitter may indeed be our best bet. At least, it's the only approach when many nodes at once are deleted, so why not use it for single node deletion too. Aaron, can you try it?
-- bulia byak Inkscape. Draw Freely. http://www.inkscape.org

Hi All,
i'm using 0.42 under mandriva 2006, and a very happy bunny am i.
except, i'm slightly lost trying to understand the patching mechanism: the following patch is for a bug that is driving me a little crazy (it's the line spacing defaulting to 125% all the time):
[ 1239534 ] bug 1238495: text&font displays wrong line-height
is it possible for this bug to be fixed in 0.43?
if not, can someone point me in the direction of how i can incorporate this patch into the 0.42 version, before i do myself some damage!
thanks very much for your help.

I am wondering why there isn't any items to draw a floorplan in Inkscape.
Is there in any other place ?
Sincerely Ezequias
spiff wrote:
Hi All,
i'm using 0.42 under mandriva 2006, and a very happy bunny am i.
except, i'm slightly lost trying to understand the patching mechanism: the following patch is for a bug that is driving me a little crazy (it's the line spacing defaulting to 125% all the time):
[ 1239534 ] bug 1238495: text&font displays wrong line-height
is it possible for this bug to be fixed in 0.43?
if not, can someone point me in the direction of how i can incorporate this patch into the 0.42 version, before i do myself some damage!
thanks very much for your help.
This SF.Net email is sponsored by: Power Architecture Resource Center: Free content, downloads, discussions, and more. http://solutions.newsforge.com/ibmarch.tmpl _______________________________________________ Inkscape-user mailing list Inkscape-user@lists.sourceforge.net https://lists.sourceforge.net/lists/listinfo/inkscape-user

I think this is just because no one has submitted these things. I once did a floorplan for my office (nothing fancy, just rects), so know that Inkscape is useful for doing this. I've also done some backyard planning and made some (really poorly drawn) plants and stuff, which I submitted to the Open Clip Art Library (www.openclipart.org). I think having a good set of interior floor plan symbols in openclipart would be awesome. :-) You should contribute whatever you come up with.
On Fri, Oct 14, 2005 at 04:35:14PM -0300, Ezequias Rodrigues da Rocha wrote:
I am wondering why there isn't any items to draw a floorplan in Inkscape.
Is there in any other place ?
Sincerely Ezequias
spiff wrote:
Hi All,
i'm using 0.42 under mandriva 2006, and a very happy bunny am i.
except, i'm slightly lost trying to understand the patching mechanism: the following patch is for a bug that is driving me a little crazy (it's the line spacing defaulting to 125% all the time):
[ 1239534 ] bug 1238495: text&font displays wrong line-height
is it possible for this bug to be fixed in 0.43?
if not, can someone point me in the direction of how i can incorporate this patch into the 0.42 version, before i do myself some damage!
thanks very much for your help.
This SF.Net email is sponsored by: Power Architecture Resource Center: Free content, downloads, discussions, and more. http://solutions.newsforge.com/ibmarch.tmpl _______________________________________________ Inkscape-user mailing list Inkscape-user@lists.sourceforge.net https://lists.sourceforge.net/lists/listinfo/inkscape-user
-- Ezequias Rodrigues da Rocha http://ezequiasrocha.blogspot.com msn:ezequias@...9...
This SF.Net email is sponsored by: Power Architecture Resource Center: Free content, downloads, discussions, and more. http://solutions.newsforge.com/ibmarch.tmpl _______________________________________________ Inkscape-user mailing list Inkscape-user@lists.sourceforge.net https://lists.sourceforge.net/lists/listinfo/inkscape-user

Nice Bryce,
Witch name you used to post your floorplan ? I didn't find anything.

Here's a png of what I did:
As you can see, nothing fancy. ;-) (But easy to improve on!)
On Fri, Oct 14, 2005 at 04:47:13PM -0300, Ezequias Rodrigues da Rocha wrote:
Nice Bryce,
Witch name you used to post your floorplan ? I didn't find anything.
-- Ezequias Rodrigues da Rocha http://ezequiasrocha.blogspot.com msn:ezequias@...9...
Bryce Harrington wrote:
I think this is just because no one has submitted these things. I once did a floorplan for my office (nothing fancy, just rects), so know that Inkscape is useful for doing this. I've also done some backyard planning and made some (really poorly drawn) plants and stuff, which I submitted to the Open Clip Art Library (www.openclipart.org). I think having a good set of interior floor plan symbols in openclipart would be awesome. :-) You should contribute whatever you come up with.
On Fri, Oct 14, 2005 at 04:35:14PM -0300, Ezequias Rodrigues da Rocha wrote:
I am wondering why there isn't any items to draw a floorplan in Inkscape.
Is there in any other place ?
Sincerely Ezequias
spiff wrote:
Hi All,
i'm using 0.42 under mandriva 2006, and a very happy bunny am i.
except, i'm slightly lost trying to understand the patching mechanism: the following patch is for a bug that is driving me a little crazy (it's the line spacing defaulting to 125% all the time):
[ 1239534 ] bug 1238495: text&font displays wrong line-height
is it possible for this bug to be fixed in 0.43?
if not, can someone point me in the direction of how i can incorporate this patch into the 0.42 version, before i do myself some damage!
thanks very much for your help.
This SF.Net email is sponsored by: Power Architecture Resource Center: Free content, downloads, discussions, and more. http://solutions.newsforge.com/ibmarch.tmpl _______________________________________________ Inkscape-user mailing list Inkscape-user@lists.sourceforge.net https://lists.sourceforge.net/lists/listinfo/inkscape-user
-- Ezequias Rodrigues da Rocha http://ezequiasrocha.blogspot.com msn:ezequias@...9...
This SF.Net email is sponsored by: Power Architecture Resource Center: Free content, downloads, discussions, and more. http://solutions.newsforge.com/ibmarch.tmpl _______________________________________________ Inkscape-user mailing list Inkscape-user@lists.sourceforge.net https://lists.sourceforge.net/lists/listinfo/inkscape-user
This SF.Net email is sponsored by: Power Architecture Resource Center: Free content, downloads, discussions, and more. http://solutions.newsforge.com/ibmarch.tmpl _______________________________________________ Inkscape-user mailing list Inkscape-user@lists.sourceforge.net https://lists.sourceforge.net/lists/listinfo/inkscape-user
This SF.Net email is sponsored by: Power Architecture Resource Center: Free content, downloads, discussions, and more. http://solutions.newsforge.com/ibmarch.tmpl _______________________________________________ Inkscape-user mailing list Inkscape-user@lists.sourceforge.net https://lists.sourceforge.net/lists/listinfo/inkscape-user

Nice one.
Could you send me in svg format ? If you have more items please send it to me too.
Sincerely Ezequias
Bryce Harrington wrote:
Here's a png of what I did:
As you can see, nothing fancy. ;-) (But easy to improve on!)
On Fri, Oct 14, 2005 at 04:47:13PM -0300, Ezequias Rodrigues da Rocha wrote:
Nice Bryce,
Witch name you used to post your floorplan ? I didn't find anything.
-- Ezequias Rodrigues da Rocha http://ezequiasrocha.blogspot.com msn:ezequias@...9...
Bryce Harrington wrote:
I think this is just because no one has submitted these things. I once did a floorplan for my office (nothing fancy, just rects), so know that Inkscape is useful for doing this. I've also done some backyard planning and made some (really poorly drawn) plants and stuff, which I submitted to the Open Clip Art Library (www.openclipart.org). I think having a good set of interior floor plan symbols in openclipart would be awesome. :-) You should contribute whatever you come up with.
On Fri, Oct 14, 2005 at 04:35:14PM -0300, Ezequias Rodrigues da Rocha wrote:
I am wondering why there isn't any items to draw a floorplan in Inkscape.
Is there in any other place ?
Sincerely Ezequias
spiff wrote:
Hi All,
i'm using 0.42 under mandriva 2006, and a very happy bunny am i.
except, i'm slightly lost trying to understand the patching mechanism: the following patch is for a bug that is driving me a little crazy (it's the line spacing defaulting to 125% all the time):
[ 1239534 ] bug 1238495: text&font displays wrong line-height
is it possible for this bug to be fixed in 0.43?
if not, can someone point me in the direction of how i can incorporate this patch into the 0.42 version, before i do myself some damage!
thanks very much for your help.
This SF.Net email is sponsored by: Power Architecture Resource Center: Free content, downloads, discussions, and more. http://solutions.newsforge.com/ibmarch.tmpl _______________________________________________ Inkscape-user mailing list Inkscape-user@lists.sourceforge.net https://lists.sourceforge.net/lists/listinfo/inkscape-user
-- Ezequias Rodrigues da Rocha http://ezequiasrocha.blogspot.com msn:ezequias@...9...
This SF.Net email is sponsored by: Power Architecture Resource Center: Free content, downloads, discussions, and more. http://solutions.newsforge.com/ibmarch.tmpl _______________________________________________ Inkscape-user mailing list Inkscape-user@lists.sourceforge.net https://lists.sourceforge.net/lists/listinfo/inkscape-user
This SF.Net email is sponsored by: Power Architecture Resource Center: Free content, downloads, discussions, and more. http://solutions.newsforge.com/ibmarch.tmpl _______________________________________________ Inkscape-user mailing list Inkscape-user@lists.sourceforge.net https://lists.sourceforge.net/lists/listinfo/inkscape-user
This SF.Net email is sponsored by: Power Architecture Resource Center: Free content, downloads, discussions, and more. http://solutions.newsforge.com/ibmarch.tmpl _______________________________________________ Inkscape-user mailing list Inkscape-user@lists.sourceforge.net https://lists.sourceforge.net/lists/listinfo/inkscape-user
This SF.Net email is sponsored by: Power Architecture Resource Center: Free content, downloads, discussions, and more. http://solutions.newsforge.com/ibmarch.tmpl _______________________________________________ Inkscape-user mailing list Inkscape-user@lists.sourceforge.net https://lists.sourceforge.net/lists/listinfo/inkscape-user

Hi Ezequias,
The SVG's of the plant symbols and stuff are in the open clip art library in the signs_and_symbols section. Here's a link:
On Mon, Oct 17, 2005 at 09:20:32AM -0300, Ezequias Rodrigues da Rocha wrote:
Nice one.
Could you send me in svg format ? If you have more items please send it to me too.
Sincerely Ezequias
Bryce Harrington wrote:
Here's a png of what I did:
As you can see, nothing fancy. ;-) (But easy to improve on!)
On Fri, Oct 14, 2005 at 04:47:13PM -0300, Ezequias Rodrigues da Rocha wrote:
Nice Bryce,
Witch name you used to post your floorplan ? I didn't find anything.
-- Ezequias Rodrigues da Rocha http://ezequiasrocha.blogspot.com msn:ezequias@...9...
Bryce Harrington wrote:
I think this is just because no one has submitted these things. I once did a floorplan for my office (nothing fancy, just rects), so know that Inkscape is useful for doing this. I've also done some backyard planning and made some (really poorly drawn) plants and stuff, which I submitted to the Open Clip Art Library (www.openclipart.org). I think having a good set of interior floor plan symbols in openclipart would be awesome. :-) You should contribute whatever you come up with.
On Fri, Oct 14, 2005 at 04:35:14PM -0300, Ezequias Rodrigues da Rocha wrote:
I am wondering why there isn't any items to draw a floorplan in Inkscape.
Is there in any other place ?
Sincerely Ezequias
spiff wrote:
Hi All,
i'm using 0.42 under mandriva 2006, and a very happy bunny am i.
except, i'm slightly lost trying to understand the patching mechanism: the following patch is for a bug that is driving me a little crazy (it's the line spacing defaulting to 125% all the time):
[ 1239534 ] bug 1238495: text&font displays wrong line-height
is it possible for this bug to be fixed in 0.43?
if not, can someone point me in the direction of how i can incorporate this patch into the 0.42 version, before i do myself some damage!
thanks very much for your help.
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-- Ezequias Rodrigues da Rocha http://ezequiasrocha.blogspot.com msn:ezequias@...9...
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-- Ezequias Rodrigues da Rocha http://ezequiasrocha.blogspot.com msn:ezequias@...9...
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if not, can someone point me in the direction of how i can incorporate this patch into the 0.42 version, before i do myself some damage!
You would need to compile inkscape. For that, you need quite a few packages installed if you do not develop C++ programs. This is not to discourage you but I'd recommend it only to someone willing to spend a lot of time reading manuals and not expecting fast vanilla solutions. Otherwise, better wait until the fix has made it into a binary package.

ok, thanks.
how could i find out if it is likely to be patched in 0.43?
Ralf Stephan wrote:
if not, can someone point me in the direction of how i can incorporate this patch into the 0.42 version, before i do myself some damage!
You would need to compile inkscape. For that, you need quite a few packages installed if you do not develop C++ programs. This is not to discourage you but I'd recommend it only to someone willing to spend a lot of time reading manuals and not expecting fast vanilla solutions. Otherwise, better wait until the fix has made it into a binary package.
This SF.Net email is sponsored by: Power Architecture Resource Center: Free content, downloads, discussions, and more. http://solutions.newsforge.com/ibmarch.tmpl _______________________________________________ Inkscape-user mailing list Inkscape-user@lists.sourceforge.net https://lists.sourceforge.net/lists/listinfo/inkscape-user
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You wrote (about line spacing default of 125%)
how could i find out if it is likely to be patched in 0.43?
As the text in bug 1238495 says, that was fixed 2005-07-16, so it should be in 0.42.2. It is possible that it didn't make it into 0.42 but I'm not sure, therefore Cc:d to the developer that fixed it.

You wrote (about line spacing default of 125%)
how could i find out if it is likely to be patched in 0.43?
As the text in bug 1238495 says, that was fixed 2005-07-16, so it should be in 0.42.2. It is possible that it didn't make it into 0.42 but I'm not sure, therefore Cc:d to the developer that fixed it.
No, the fix didn't go into 0.42.2 because it wasn't deemed important enough (a display issue only). It went in to the tree straight after, though, so it will be in 0.43.

great! thanks v. much!
Richard Hughes wrote:
No, the fix didn't go into 0.42.2 because it wasn't deemed important enough (a display issue only). It went in to the tree straight after, though, so it will be in 0.43.
participants (9)
Bryce Harrington
bulia byak
Ezequias Rodrigues da Rocha
Hibbs, Phil
Joshua A. Andler
Ralf Stephan
Richard Hughes