Hi Friends,
I don't use key shortcuts much. But in trying to answer support
questions, I often need to look things up (when people explain what they did
by giving key shortcuts instead of words). I'm not sure if it's just me,
but I find the Content section on the right side of the Key And Mouse Ref
page is hard to use. It would be easier if it was not a long, wrapped list
of links, with dots and | to separate them; but instead an outline type of
format, that echoes the format of the shortcuts (on the left to middle of
page).....like this (I hope the indents come through for everyone):
Toggle visibility
Within a dialog
Controls bar
Change values
Yes, I realize that would make that section much longer. But it
would still be shorter than the whole page. And it would be so much easier
to use.
I can probably do the work myself -- assuming there's some kind of
discussion and consensus about it.
Does anyone else think this might be helpful? Thanks for comments.
(Heck, I might even use more key shortcuts, if they were easier to look up
:-) )
All best,