Please find a new extension, clonesp (short for clonesPerspective).
This is an Inkscape extension that clones an object. It makes multiple clones that shrink toward a vanishing point, necessary for a perspective drawing.
Hello All,
This is just a friendly reminder that our monthly Vectors meeting will
be held at 8AM-9AM PDT (see time conversion
today (July 7). Come join us at
<>. We are experimenting with the meeting
format and will conduct this meeting by text only. The agenda includes:
1. Migration to Rocket.Chat
2. Inkscape 0.92.4 Release Planning
3. Kiel Hackfest Fundraising
4. Team Organization & Recruiting Needs
5. Formal Team Roles & Voting Update
If you'd like to comment prior to the meeting, feel free to do so here
<>. I hope you'll
join us!